The reader is kidnapped by an evil scientist, taken to his laboratory and transformed into a monster! Can the reader find a way to reverse the fiendish experiment--or remain a monster forever? The reader's choices decide his or her fate!

You Are a Monster (Choose Your Own Adventure, #84) 

by Edward Packard

The Story Started 

The blue Mercedes screeches to a stop beside you."Get in!"The heavyset man wearing a black homburg isn't kidding. Before you can run, a man jumps out of the back and shoves you inside. The car speeds off. None of the passing motorists notices—you've been kidnapped!Wedged in the backseat between two thugs, you try to think about what you can do."Look, you must think I'm someone else— some rich kid you can get ransom for—""Shut up. We want you." The muzzle of a .45 jabs into your side.The Mercedes swerves around a corner, headed toward an outlying district.A blindfold pulls tight over your eyes. "You were looking curious," a voice says.It must be about ten minutes later when the car stops and you hear the door opening."Get out!" A firm grip is on your arm.When your feet touch the ground, you tear the blindfold off, twist out of the man's grip, and start to run!CLUNK! A gun butt comes down on your head. You're out cold.

The shadow of monster

Dr. Firenze gives you a sedative, so you hardly feel it when he injects you with his genetic formula. It isn't long before you begin to feel strange sensations. Within a few hours it's clear what's happening: you're shrinking—and that's good news. The bad news is that you're not getting back the fine, young body you once had. Instead, you're becoming spindly and smaller than you were, and you still have hair all over! What's worse, you're growing a tail! And when you try to talk, all you can make are little screechy sounds!You can't help but think about what it is you're becoming, especially when you notice you've developed a tremendous craving for bananas.The hospital staff provides you with everything they think you want, even going so far as to install a trapeze in your room. One day while you're hanging by your tail you hear footsteps coming down the hall. You drop down on your bed just at the moment Dr. Firenze, Amanda, and Mr. and Mrs. Vandergraft walk into your room. You sense that they've come because Dr. Firenze has done everything he can for you, and it's time for the next stage in your life to begin.

You Are a Monster (Choose Your Own Adventure, #84) 

by Edward Packard

The evil claw

The blue Mercedes screeches to a stop beside you."Get in!"The heavyset man wearing a black homburg isn't kidding. Before you can run, a man jumps out of the back and shoves you inside. The car speeds off. None of the passing motorists notices—you've been kidnapped!Wedged in the backseat between two thugs, you try to think about what you can do."Look, you must think I'm someone else— some rich kid you can get ransom for—""Shut up. We want you." The muzzle of a .45 jabs into your side.The Mercedes swerves around a corner, headed toward an outlying district.A blindfold pulls tight over your eyes. "You were looking curious," a voice says.It must be about ten minutes later when the car stops and you hear the door opening."Get out!" A firm grip is on your arm.When your feet touch the ground, you tear the blindfold off, twist out of the man's grip, and start to run!CLUNK! A gun butt comes down on your head. You're out cold.

Become a monster

Dr. Firenze gives you a sedative, so you hardly feel it when he injects you with his genetic formula. It isn't long before you begin to feel strange sensations. Within a few hours it's clear what's happening: you're shrinking—and that's good news. The bad news is that you're not getting back the fine, young body you once had. Instead, you're becoming spindly and smaller than you were, and you still have hair all over! What's worse, you're growing a tail! And when you try to talk, all you can make are little screechy sounds!You can't help but think about what it is you're becoming, especially when you notice you've developed a tremendous craving for bananas.The hospital staff provides you with everything they think you want, even going so far as to install a trapeze in your room. One day while you're hanging by your tail you hear footsteps coming down the hall. You drop down on your bed just at the moment Dr. Firenze, Amanda, and Mr. and Mrs. Vandergraft walk into your room. You sense that they've come because Dr. Firenze has done everything he can for you, and it's time for the next stage in your life to begin.